All your Namibian legal questions answered instantly

Hornbill is a large language model AI assistant trained on 70,000+ Namibian legislation texts. These texts are comprised of The Constitution, Acts, Ammendments, Regulations and more. If you have a legal question, Hornbill has got the answer - with references.

by Kaizen


Start chatting with Hornbill AI and get instant answers to your legal questions.

Instant answers

Ask a question about any legal topic that is covered by Namibian Legislation and get an instant answer. Hornbill is trained on 70,000+ Namibian legislative documents.


As you chat with the Legal Assistant, references to the relevant legislation / PDF document will be provided. This will help you to understand the context of the answer.


Hornbill will keep a history of your chat sessions. This will help you to refer back to previous questions and answers. You can also download the referenced PDF documents.

You are in good company

Trusted by many Namibian companies and individuals.

Seventy7 ConsultingDDE Trading and LogisticsWKHNamdockLiesel Scheffer OT

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